Monday, 10 December 2012

Gangnam Freedom Style

by Shallman
向艾未未, Anish Kapoor致敬
Making of the film: it is a two weeks experiment tribute to Chinese artist Aiweiwei.

film poster:

It is part of the series of “Talk about Tibet”.
It is a proposal for a project to use the creative media
to challenge the myths about Tibet promoted by the Chinese authorities:
There are two stories of Tibet.
One story is told by Tibetan people themselves and believed by many people all over the world.
It considers the current Chinese rule in Tibet to be illegal and is motivated solely by Chinese
hungerfor Tibet’s natural recourses and Tibet’s strategic importance.
The current occupation of Tibet by China is a denial of Tibet’s right of
self-determinationand its four hundred years history as an
independent country.
The other story is a tale of disinformation about Tibet that is purveyed by the
Chinese Government.It claims that Tibet has been an inseparable part of China
since ancient times.It says that”Tibetan independence” is
merely malicious Western imperialismaiming to destroy
China’s integrity and sovereignty.
I wonder whether the Chinese people are aware of the Tibetan
version of the story and how they would react to it.
The Chinese people do not live in cultural isolation from the rest of the world.
For the last sixty years they had ample opportunities to be exposed to the facts about Tibet.
But almost no Chinese has ever protested about the invasion of Tibet.
Of the many million Chinese living outside China,
none has had expressed any moral concern about the invasion of Tibet
and the crimes committed by the mother country.
As a Chinese person, I ask myself: What can I do to challenge
the narrative my people choose to believe?
Base on my experience of talking to people in North Africa
before and after the Jasmine Revolution,
running creative workshops in a Palestinian refugee camp and working
side by side with Tibetan refugees in India.
I have found a possible answer to my question:
I would use the creative media to enable many to hear the Tibetan story,
to become aware of the situation and to engage dialogue to develop
contact between the Tibetan and the Chinese people.

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